There's one simple behavior that reveals a person's level of intelligence, according to a philosopher. Julian de Medeiros is ...
In this week‘s Friday Philosophy, Dr. David Gordon looks at Allen Wood‘s attempts to salvage Marx‘s theory of exploitation.
The ancient Greek philosopher Plato thought that love might cause feelings like attraction and pleasure, which are out of your control. But these feelings are less important than the loving ...
Her superpowers as a philosopher sprung out of the frustration at getting her thoughts and herself across to people who ...
Tom Robbins’ novels include such screwball adventures as “Even Cowgirls Get the Blues” and “Jitterbug Perfume.” ...
We do not need to believe in Platonic philosopher-kings to believe that it is good for our leaders to be equipped with the ...
This year marks the 40th anniversary of the death of Jankélévitch, one of France’s most important yet least recognized moral ...
His two early papers “What Numbers Could Not Be” (1965) and “Mathematical Truth” (1973) became instant classics. The second ...
In recent decades, museums and galleries have made a sensory turn when it comes to designing displays and engaging visitors.
On this momentous occasion of your re-inauguration, I, as a philosopher of civilisation, venture to reach out to you from the relative obscurity and seclusion of the antipodes with a modest offering.