Be sure to put your web address, or URL, on every print ad, no matter where it runs, and put a link on your online ad that takes people directly to your own site. No matter what magazine you ...
While digital marketing undoubtedly offers a plethora of benefits with its unparalleled reach and real-time interactions, print marketing retains its effectiveness and plays a unique role in an ...
Well, that's one way to get attention! Toyota's 2018 Camry ad in this month's InStyle magazine let's you grab the car's "door handles" and see your heart race, literally. Putting your thumbs on ...
Don’t put all your eggs into one basket,” applies to advertising as much as other aspects of life. It certainly applies to ...
There’s also still some specific value to the print magazine for SI. For one, there’s advertising: there are still things that work for brands about full-page magazine spreads versus digital ...