DEAR MISS MANNERS: Because of a chronic illness, I have to go to a clinic in an urban setting three to four times per week.
So Miss Manners suggests you save yourself a search for pre-printed matter, get out a plain piece of paper (or one with just ...
Dad’s girlfriend showed up to the letter writer’s bowling birthday party and took over. Dear Miss Manners: For my 40th ...
DEAR MISS MANNERS: A pair of neighbors hosted my wife and me for an impromptu dinner, to which we contributed a nice salad.
GENTLE READER: Your confidence that you are not required to reciprocate in your apartment, though technically correct, ...
DEAR MISS MANNERS: For my 40th birthday, my sister planned a bowling party. She is very organized, and pre-entered the names of all 12 guests into the lanes (two lanes, six people at each).
DEAR MISS MANNERS: I have a number of friends I regularly ... Are we violating any principles of etiquette by continuing to gather on these terms? We’re all still happy with the arrangements ...
Some medical facilities ban tipping because they pay parking attendants a living wage, and do not want patients with medical ...
DEAR MISS MANNERS: My boyfriend insists that when eating “sloppy food” such as spaghetti, it is acceptable to lean one’s head down to the food to avoid a mess, rather than bringing the food ...
Dear Miss Manners: In this modern age, many workers have the option of working from home at least part of the week. My husband is one of them. Several years ago, he installed himself at the ...
DEAR MISS MANNERS ... His work papers, computers, dossiers, books and other office sundries are everywhere. What etiquette rules apply to this stay-at-home worker? I really hate it.