A recent study published in One Earth has uncovered compelling evidence suggesting that the climate effects of new particles in urban areas have been significantly underestimated. Particles play a ...
Employed, grant-funded or self-funded? If you are planning to start doctoral studies, it's important to consider how you will fund your doctoral research. A realistic funding plan is a routine part of ...
Researchers from Spain, Finland and Canada have shown for the first time that electric sparks can be guided using ultrasonic waves. Electric sparks are used for welding, powering electronics, killing ...
Volatile organic compounds, usually associated with poor indoor air, were discovered in a borehole more than two kilometres deep. Previously, groundwater dating back tens of millions of years was ...
At the beginning of February, Mikko Lilja, DSc (Technology), assumed the role of professor of practice at the University of Helsinki’s Department of Mathematics and Statistics. His three-year ...
With Finland striving to meet its carbon neutrality goals, the demand for renewable energy is increasing. However, large-scale energy infrastructure can negatively affect biodiversity and communities.
We welcome submissions to the 24th Annual Aleksanteri Conference. This year’s conference addresses the pressing challenges of extremism in a world shaped by prolonged and overlapping crises. This year ...
Ekologisessa kompensaatiossa ihmisen toiminnan, kuten rakentamisen, aiheuttamia luontohaittoja kompensoidaan tuottamalla vastaavia luontohyötyjä toisaalla. Alan tutkijoiden ja asiantuntijoiden ...
A study conducted at the University of Helsinki indicates that experiences related to war can affect children’s eating habits. Professor of Nutrition Maijaliisa Erkkola’s research group investigated ...
The specIAnt group had their research retreat in Zandvoort, Netherlands the last week. As a group we discussed research group goals and member expectations, as well as time for each member to discuss ...
What will ensure Finland's success while its population decreases? Kipinä Future Forum offers new ideas on Finland's future.The keynote will be given by Professor Ian Goldin of the University of ...
New research exploring the links between sleep, diet, and weight development in Finnish children has revealed that circadian health may play a significant role in long-term health outcomes. A child’s ...