Cinia suspected the damage had occurred in the early hours on January 26 in the same area where damage was detected in ...
Finland's Cinia said on Friday its C-Lion1 submarine telecoms cable between Finland and Germany, which was suspected to have ...
Earlier, Swedish Radio reported that an submarine cable near the island of Gotland in the Baltic Sea had been damaged ...
Cinia announced the successful repair of the C-Lion1 submarine telecoms cable between Finland and Germany which was presumed damaged in January. Despite the minor cable fault, communication remained ...
There are already about 200 cable breaks every year around the world. Last year, there were major undersea cable incidents in ...
SEabed and Anti-submarine warfare Capability through Unmanned featuRe for Europe (SEACURE) is a new coordinated effort to ...
Baltic Hub receives final STS cranes for T3 terminal, boosting capacity to 4.5 mln TEUs. Find the latest news from the maritime industry on the PortNews website.
Trinity College Dublin has begun a €5m research project to protect subsea and underground cables from malicious interference or accidental damage. The move comes as concern continues to mount over ...
Here’s a look at major ferry and ship sinking disasters throughout history. This timeline is not-all inclusive; various incidents with at least 1,000 fatalities are listed. Death tolls vary by source.
EnBW and Seaway7 start the installation of submarine cables for He Dreiht wind farm in North Sea. Find the latest news from ...
On behalf of EnBW Seaway7 installs the first of 64 cables for inner array grid cabling measuring 100 kilometers in total ...
On the shores of the Baltic Sea, in the south of Denmark, a massive engineering marvel is taking shape — piece by giant ...