The woman — who shared her story on Reddit — says that they have decided to live separately for a while and "work on" ...
Over the years, Robinsons Land Corporation has been steadfast in promoting its animal welfare advocacies through its CSR ...
We all know cats are territorial creatures, but they’re not nearly as aloof as you might think – whether towards people or ...
And this sentiment may be shared, with cats demonstrating affection through seeking out our company, physical contact and engaging in play. Like a secret language between friends, there is even ...
When you're feeling ill, it can be comforting to have your dog or cat snuggle up against you. Do they really know you're sick ...
Welcome to The Palm Beach Post's Pet of the Week, a series in which we feature animals up for adoption in Palm Beach County ...
Spalding was starving, hypothermic, and life-threateningly ill when he wandered into a Gillette home looking for help. Animal ...
Akhipata, her husband, and twin sons are all animal-lovers. She feeds 45 street dogs in the township and has rescued multiple ...
The dogs slept on filthy blankets placed in plastic containers, with dog grime smeared along the walls. Some small dogs hid in a clothing cupboard, seemingly intimidated by the larger dogs.
A Reddit post by @freeagent291 showed an abandoned dog with a heartbreaking note in Phoenix. Here's what it said and what to do if you find a lost pet.