Fifteen houses in New Smyrna Beach will either have to be demolished and rebuilt or raised up higher because they don’t meet ...
The $2.13 million grant award was intended to improve access to jobs, transportation, education and more along The Loop.
One example provided claims DNR underused $8.7 million in available Federal funding for four of its WSFR grants in FYs 2021 ...
Re “S.D. joins suit to end threat to ‘sanctuary city’ funding” (March 3): Isn’t it time to question the whole “grant” process ...
Following peer review, applications are passed to the NIH’s funding institutes and centers, such as the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) or the National Cancer Institute ...
Staff and funding cuts to the NIH, FDA and USAID could have downstream implications for R&D in the pharma industry, experts ...
Doug Austen, a Trout Unlimited member and former executive director of both the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission and ...
Although university researchers don’t believe the change itself poses a clear risk to the scientific review process, ongoing ...
After the Alabama State Board of Education approved a recommendation for state intervention at Dallas County Schools, State ...
The Department of Agriculture announced the cancellation of a $600,000 grant to study the development of feminine hygiene ...
Hammond has begun the process of fencing off Briar East Woods, an area of preserved dunes that it owns, as it readies for ...