Key provisions of a plan to overhaul New Mexico’s per-student formula for financing public K-12 education are raising concerns even as the proposal nears the finish line. State lawmakers already have ...
Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and House Speaker Matt Hall have put forward road plans, but questions linger as lawmakers look to ...
A proposed road funding formula that would better account for Indianapolis roadways is under consideration by state lawmakers ...
Alberta’s education minister says his government’s proposed budget targets funding increases to tackle growing enrolment and ...
Lawmakers have broadly expressed concerns that the more-than $250 million school funding boost per year would be unaffordable ...
A rebuilt funding formula for the state's colleges and universities became a target for officials Tuesday during a budget ...
As President Donald Trump pulls back on green funding, state officials are lobbying to retain moeny for other infrastructure ...
Almost every state has launched a registered apprenticeship program for teaching. But amid federal upheaval, their future is ...
WASHINGTON U.S. Senate Democratic Whip Dick Durbin (D-IL) and U.S. Senator Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) today sent a letter to ...
Transcona-area school trustees pointed a finger at the province for failing to overhaul the education funding formula as they ...
More money for students is a no-brainer! We encourage our Legislature to make modernizing school funding a priority for this session.
I wanted to provide some context regarding talk of changing Pennsylvania’s education funding formula. I began my career ...