The upcoming Green Lantern show, titled Lanterns, has already begun assembling a strong cast, raising anticipation for the DCU installment. Everything that is known about Lanterns has come from ...
Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds started as friends and are now married with four kids. Here's how they met and a timeline of ...
Fans believe they’ve landed on a new, upcoming casting choice, this time for Wonder Woman. And this worked before with Green Lantern.
In an exclusive chat with Variety, Sam Worthington revealed what made him ditch the iconic DC Comics role, and—spoiler—it ...
Though "Green Lantern" was a flop, it had an unexpected benefit: it helped Ryan Reynolds overcome his fear of flying.
Guy Gardner explores Green Lantern history in "Fractured Spectrum" by Jeremy Adams and V. Ken Marion. Discover Guy's ...
The sprawling cast of this movie provides some tantalizing ... Nathan Fillion’s role is much more straightforward. He plays the Green Lantern bruiser Guy Gardner, a delinquent-turned-cop who ...
We’ve got the perfect cast. When you look at Kyle ... Well, the former was notoriously played by Ryan Reynolds in a failed Green Lantern movie that reached theaters back in 2011.
Although he’s thought of as an ‘80s character primarily, Guy Gardner first appeared in 1968’s Green Lantern #59. In that issue, they established that the dying alien Abin Sur, who bequeathed ...
One group of which is The Green Lantern Corps. Now, before this emerald space cop flies high in the DCU, Green Lantern’s getting a new Funko Pop. The new Pop sees the most recognizable version ...