When it comes to roller coasters, not all states are equal. Here are the best places to visit for those in search of ...
New York-JFK to Tel Aviv, Israel 19,050 seats scheduled . The ninth and tenth busiest 787 routes by seat numbers from the United States are to Tel Aviv in Israel and are almost ti ...
A canoe launched half a century ago helped turn Hawaiian culture from a source of shame to one of pride celebrated today.
Early crew members of the voyaging canoe Hokulea have gathered in Hawaii to celebrate the vessel's 50th birthday KANEOHE, Hawaii -- Hawaii's American colonizers once banned the Hawaiian language ...
Thompson, 71, remembers stories from his grandmother, born less than a decade after the U.S.-backed overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom in 1893. Teachers beat her for speaking Hawaiian, and her ...
HONOLULU (AP) — Hawaii’s American colonizers once banned the Hawaiian language in schools. Some Native Hawaiians tried to lighten their skin with lye. Many people believed Polynesian voyagers ...