Two Russian drones exploded in Moldova on Wednesday night after an attack on a Ukrainian port across the border between the two countries, Moldovan President Maia Sandu has announced. Sandu said ...
Few foreign development agencies have supported Moldova as much as the US Agency for International Development, USAID. Over the past three decades, US assistance programmes have amounted to over ...
CHISINAU, Feb 23 (Reuters) - Moldova's government, a fierce critic of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, appealed to the country's clergy on Sunday to "tell the truth" about the war, saying that Moscow ...
Moldova has set a series of demands of its breakaway Transnistria region – including prisoner releases – if it is to keep the territory supplied with gas following a halt to flows via Ukraine ...
CHISINAU, Feb 19 (Reuters) - Moldova's President Maia Sandu has appointed gas sector expert Dorin Dzunghietu the new energy minister and he was sworn in at the presidential office on Wednesday ...
Multiple drones crossed into Moldovan territory following a large-scale drone attack on Ukraine’s Reni port. BUCHAREST - The Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Chișinău summoned the Russian ...
On the rare weekends when she can get away from the unceasing work of running a country, she heads out into the countryside of Moldova – to feel the soil beneath her, and to breathe. Sometimes ...
Maia Sandu also stressed the need for the US and EU financing Moldova’s defense spending CHISINAU, March 3. /TASS/. Moldova is in talks with the United Nations to continue programs of the US ...
Republica Moldova a aderat la Zona Unică de Plăți în Euro (SEPA), țara fiind acceptată de Consiliul European pentru Plăți la peste un an de la depunerea cererii de aderare care a fost semnată de ...
Șapte obiective turistice din Republica Moldova au fost incluse în concursul „Destinația Anului 2025” din România. Moldovenii sunt invitați să voteze locurile preferate incluse într-o listă finală cu ...
Președintele Consiliului European, Antonio Costa, a afirmat că Uniunea Europeană va oferi 60 de milioane de euro Republicii Moldova pentru consolidarea capacităților de apărare, anunțul fiind făcut în ...
Trump a vorbit, în timpul discursului din Congres, despre diverse programe despre care a spus că dezvăluie „risipa îngrozitoare” a guvernului federal şi a enumerat mai multe ţări, din întreaga lume, ...