A brain transmuted into glass by the famous volcano should have been impossible. Some scientists say it still is.
CheapInsurance.com used NOAA data to analyze the rising number of billion-dollar disasters and their implications for the ...
As he lay on his bed he was most likely caught in a fast-moving superheated ash cloud that rushed down the volcano's slope to the coast, according to a new study published today in Scientific Reports.
A unique dark-coloured organic glass, found inside the skull of an individual who died in Herculaneum during the 79 CE Mount Vesuvius eruption, likely formed when they were killed by a very hot but ...
He is thought to have been the college's custodian and was killed in his bed, around midnight when he was assumed to be asleep, in the first effects of the eruption as the burning hot ash cloud hit.
The famous eruption of Mount Vesuvius that wiped out Pompeii and Herculaneum created a super-heated ash cloud that turned one unlucky man's brain to glass, a new study suggests. Nearly 2,000 years ...
Plus, they would have cooled slowly. Instead, based on observations of more recent eruptions, an extremely hot ash cloud that dissipated quickly could have created the conditions necessary for the ...
Plus, they would have cooled slowly. Instead, based on observations of more recent eruptions, an extremely hot ash cloud that dissipated quickly could have created the conditions necessary for the ...
For several years now, we've been following a tantalizing story indicating that the high heat of the ash cloud generated when Mount Vesuvius erupted in 79 AD was sufficiently hot to turn one of ...