For all their vows to cut "waste and abuse" in entitlements, they seem oddly reluctant to go after an obvious target.
A victim was on the phone for hours with callers impersonating Medicare, the pharmacy and her doctors after being told her Medicare benefits were terminated.
World: The current funding expires on Friday night. If a new spending bill is not passed and signed by President Trump before ...
Once a proponent of Medicare Advantage plans, Oz vowed Friday to go after those plans if they unfairly raise costs for the ...
Medicare Supplement plans, also known as Medigap, help cover out-of-pocket costs that Original Medicare doesn’t pay for, such ...
This Week in Medicare. Worried About Medicare Fraud? Use These Tips to Protect Yourself. These three tips from ...
At the hearing, he emphasized the need to provide high-quality, compassionate care while also holding down spending.
The tech billionaire has repeatedly suggested, without evidence, that Social Security is rife with fraud, even as President ...
Rep. Keating says Medicaid cuts looming in government funding bill will hurt local hospitals and health centers, including ...
AARP's Medicare Question and Answer Tool provides you with fast access to the answers you have about how the program works.
Commissioner O’Malley estimated that some 40% to 45% of current Social Security workers are already retirement-eligible. These employees are particularly likely to say goodbye. They are being offered ...