Researchers have developed a new tool that could help clinicians diagnose the most common type of breast cancer more accurately and make better treatment decisions. The tool, called EMBeddER (EMBER), ...
Our group's aim is to improve the treatment and survival of children with neuroblastoma, medulloblastoma and rhabdomyosarcoma. The goal of our laboratory is to improve the treatment and survival of ...
"Search" is our twice-yearly newsletter to supporters. In our 50th edition of the Autumn Search issue, we look at the latest research news featuring a new breast cancer drug approval in the UK, for ...
Dr Luis Zapata Ortiz leads a dedicated research group focusing on advancing our understanding of the immune system's role in genetic variability and its implications for disease, cancer and ageing.
Dr Gabriela Kramer-Marek’s group uses cutting-edge biomedical imaging techniques to gain information about the way particular genes drive cancer progression. Our group’s long-term goal is to develop ...
Researchers have uncovered new details about the complex relationship between the immune system and cancer. They have shown that this relationship can influence the distribution and frequency of ...
Professor Trevor Graham's group harnesses artificial intelligence and the principles of evolution with the aim of improving cancer prevention, diagnosis and treatment. Trevor Graham is Professor of ...