AKI is back! Ultra Pro Wrestling is the true successor to WWE and WCW N64 titles, and it's bringing back classic wrestling ...
Ultra Pro Wrestling was crowdfunded by the fans on Kickstarter. UPW is a love letter to AKI N64 wrestling games of the '90s. UPW aims to offer full customization to wrestling game fans.
Growing up, my friends and I were obsessed with Nintendo 64 wrestling games. That was all thanks to THQ, the AKI Corporation, and their AKI Engine. The AKI Engine made playing as your favorite on ...
AKI knew how to mimic the ebb and flow of real world wrestling matches better than most, and they knew it was killer bell to ...
The Nintendo 64 was a groundbreaking console that dominated the wrestling game genre in the late '90s. Fans who gathered around the N64 to grapple friends and family only had four WWEgames to choose ...