If you’d like to see an unusual event in which art is created in front of you from some unlikely materials, come on down to the Akron Art Museum for CANstruction. CANstruction is a contest featuring ...
MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- What comes to mind first when you think of Wis-CAN-sin? Is it cows, the Oscar Mayer Wienermobile or T-Pain? Local Architects asked themselves the same question. Then, they ...
Teams of engineers and architects will build displays out of cans of food, which will be donated to a local pantry when the exhibit ends Super Bowl 2025: Patrick Mahomes Speaks Out on Kansas City ...
Canstruction exhibition opening weekend, Feb. 1-2 Brian Kramp is at the Milwaukee Public Museum with a preview of a new one called “Canstruction” that will soon be filled with colorful and ...
Follow team LEO A DALY as they replicate the Discovery space shuttle's arrival in Washington, D.C. for CANstruction Explore Subscribe Newsletters Content Licensing ...
A Cranston-led team of architects, engineers and contractors earned the Canstruction Rhode Island “Best Meal” award for its canned food sculpture of R2-D2 and BB-8 from “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” ...