If you’re recently engaged, following these do’s and don’ts could help you dramatically shorten the timeframe for reaching your homebuying dreams.
Couples often wait years after marriage to buy a home. To save time, opt for cash wedding gifts, avoid debt, explore ...
Picture a typical American couple waiting nearly a decade after marriage to become ... things they consider is your debt-to-income ratio (DTI). This represents the percentage of your income ...
Ms. Witkowski has spent the last decade in Washington ... stable income and a low debt-to-income (DTI) ratio to qualify for the best rates available. A 15-year mortgage refinance is a new home ...
Every borrower’s situation is different, and it’s possible no one rule will fit ... (DTI) ratio, or their monthly mortgage payment compared to their income. “It’s based on decades of ...
"It took us about a decade to get into this housing deficit ... looks for a maximum total DTI ratio of 36% of "the borrower’s stable monthly income." Exceptions can allow for total DTIs up ...