A new study finds that climate change is already causing all sorts of problems on Earth, but soon it will be making a mess in orbit around the planet too.
In 24 days, the Eaton Fire damaged or destroyed over 10,000 structures. Meanwhile, the Palisades Fire burned just over 7,8000 ...
Show Caption1 of 11 Visitors look at the paintings of the Stations of the Cross after receiving ashes during Ash Wednesday in the chapel at Mater Dolorosa Retreat Center in Sierra Madre on Wednesday ...
Christians hear the words "Remember that you are dust and to dust you shall return." Those words ring differently for many ...
Irish Breakdown has comments from new Notre Dame football assistant coaches Ja'Juan Seider and Chris Ash. Sean Stires, Vince DeDario and Jesse Stires discuss their thoughts on several topics ...
This Ash Wednesday, the ashes symbolize not only personal mortality but also the world's brokenness, from war-torn regions to ...
At the bottom of the layers of ash and rubble that buried Herculaneum is a layer of fine volcanic ash that may have been deposited by the ash cloud, Giordano said. Vitrification of soft tissue was ...