The iowa senate is now weighing a bill passed by house lawmakers that would *require* that at least 80 percent of students in the univeristy of iowa's medical a ...
Columbia University has suspended or expelled multiple students and the government says it’s examining if protests violated ...
At least three institutions will end or suspend communities dedicated to LGBTQ and racial identities, leaving residents and ...
Once upon a time, four friends at St. Bonaventure University dreamed of making it big in basketball: Adrian Wojnarowski and Mike Vaccaro wanted to be sportswriters. Pat Driscoll wanted to be a referee ...
Tucked away five miles south of Newton, Iowa, Newton Correctional Facility holds 938 low- and medium-security inmates. The ...
Trump’s DEI crackdowns have also targeted racially segregated dorms and graduation ceremonies, which USC hosts.
This year marks the 100th year since the University of Iowa Iowa Memorial Union was constructed. In 2008, the building ...
The International Writing Program (IWP) at the University of Iowa announced on Thursday it is having to make drastic cuts, ...
A March 5, 1925, article in the Alton Evening Telegraph announced that a 1924 graduate of Alton High School, Alonzella Banta, ...
The City Council of Sioux voted to add an additional police officer, as well as a communications training operator, while slashing the Human Rights Commission’s budget.
Upper Iowa University, a private institution, has been offering online bachelor's degree programs since before 2000-2001. All of the online classes are recorded and archived so students can access ...
Iowa tax bills will be slightly lower this year, as the state’s individual income tax rate dropped by nearly 2 percentage points. Government officials in Iowa passed a comprehensive tax reform ...