British Airways has swept into fourth position for punctuality amongst 'global' airlines. It had an on-time performance of 86 ...
W hen you board a Vueling flight, you're looked after by Vueling’s cabin crew and pilots. But behind every flight lies an ...
BRITS heading to Germany are facing chaos as airport workers stage a 24-hour walkout in a dispute over pay. Workers at 13 ...
As public confidence in aviation safety drops, the pressure is on pilots to reassure nervous passengers. But although pilots say flying is still safe, some have concerns about a system under pressure.
But even accounting for serious accidents, “statistically speaking, you’re safer in your flight than you were driving in your ...
Recent incidents at Logan and the broader climate of concern about aviation safety have led to Massport looking at new ...
Struggling’ pilots were 60ft from hitting runway before pulling up, raising questions about aviation standards, investigators ...
Flight attendants and pilots use a series of secret codes to communicate with each other - and some of them signal that ...
The phrases are used by the pilot and cabin crew on the plane and in communications with the ground air controllers to ...
Experts have revealed the discrete codes used by flight crews on aircraft to indicate emergency situations are breaking out ...
DULUTH, Minn. — $56 million is still needed to replace the country’s third-oldest air traffic control tower at the Duluth International Airport. So far, the Duluth Airport Authority has been awarded ...