A severe weather/tornado outbreak threatens our area Saturday night with a now higher risk for potentially strong tornadoes.
Society is used to blokes cradle-snatching (just think, somewhere right now, Leonardo DiCaprio’s future lover is being ...
A vigorous cold front crossing the nation's southeast is set to deliver a day of extremes on Sunday as gusty winds drive ...
Temperatures hit 28 degrees in some parts of Sydney before sunrise on Sunday on their way towards a record high of 37 degrees ...
A dog with cancer has been treated to a fun-filled play date with fellow pooches in what proved to be an "emotional" event ...
Authorities have warned millions of residents of the increased threat of bushfires over the weekend as large swathes of the ...
Much of Australia’s southeast is in the grips of an unusual, summer-like heatwave this weekend with a heightened fire danger ...