A Hungarian gas supplier has signed a contract with Transnistria in the hope of preventing a humanitarian crisis, Péter Szijjártó, the minister of foreign affairs and trade, said in Budapest on Friday ...
a company with Hungarian capital will indeed transport natural gas to the region of Transnistria." Szijjártó didn’t name the company involved.
Transnistria, an unrecognized breakaway region between Moldova and Ukraine, operates autonomously with its own government, currency, and military. Despite its political ambiguity, it maintains its ...
CHISINAU. Feb 18 (Interfax) - The Moldavskaya GRES (MoldGRES) power plant in Transnistria, which operated on coal in January, has begun generating power with gas after the start of gas supplies from ...
Zelenskyy mentioned in his speech that Russia had withdrawn part of its contingent from Transnistria during the full-scale war, and whereas there were 5,500-6,000 troops there before, there are now ...
The OSCE Chairmanship's Special Representative for the Transnistria Conflict, Ambassador Thomas Lenk, has made his first official visit to the Republic of Moldova. The visit aimed to assess the ...
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said that due to its ongoing war against Ukraine, Russia has been forced to withdraw a significant portion of its military contingent from Transnistria. Zelensky ...
This grouping contains documents regarding Jewish life in Transnistria. This includes correspondence, reports, lists, court documents, government records, work permits, receipts, travel permits, and ...
Evrei din orasul si judentul Roman evacuati in Transnistria pentru [illegible] nere la munca obligatorie, impreuna cu familiile or. Lista de evrei originari, sau avand rude, in judetul Neamt-Romania ...
As Telex writes, according to Bloomberg, Transnistria, which has relied on nearly free Russian gas for over two decades, faced a severe energy crisis after Russia halted gas supplies via Ukraine at ...