If you have a healthcare plan through the Health Insurance Marketplace and you’re nearing 65 years old, it’s time to start thinking about Medicare.
AARP's Medicare Question and Answer Tool provides you with fast access to the answers you have about how the program works.
A Medigap plan, also known as a Medicare supplement plan, picks up the slack for health care expenses not covered by original Medicare, such as co-payments, deductibles and coinsurance. Read on to ...
IMAGE] Finding the right health care plan can be a daunting process. When determining your health care needs, don't forget to include dental services in the overall equation. Even if you' ...
Nearing retirement? Discover essential Social Security tips for women, how to optimize your benefits, understand full ...
America doesn’t have an official retirement age. Some people opt to retire at 62 because it’s the earliest point to sign up ...
Most Americans know they will begin collecting Social Security benefits and enrolling in Medicare when they retire. But many ...
Should I participate in my company s offer of a Health Savings Account I don t get sick often and feel it is too expensive ...
The 9.6 million Tricare beneficiaries have seen various changes in the Department of Defense health care program.
Women between the ages of 50 and 64 were twice as likely as men in the same age group to say they had to borrow (12% vs. 6%).
I was too young then to consider retiring and too poor to just quit, so I blitzed out my resume, making it through about two weeks under the new regime before taking the first job I was offered. The ...