The DWP has agreed to pay compensation to thousands of claimants who lost out on the premium payments when they were moved ...
The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) may carry out checks on benefit claimants' bank accounts in a bid to tackle fraud.
The DWP will send a letter to every pensioner before state pension payments increase on April 7, as well raising Pension ...
A petition initiated in January is rallying support to halt the Department for Work and Pensions ( DWP) from continually ...
Under its Fraud Bill, the DWP is set to check bank accounts and put benefits claimants under greater surveillance.
The DWP has agreed to compensate for the loss of income, which Leigh Day estimates could be worth in excess of £5,000 per ...
The DWP has been urged to clarify who will be targeted by new anti-fraud powers. New measures in the Public Authorities ...
Hundreds of thousands of older people are missing out on financial support which they should be entitled to from the DWP.
The DWP is urging older people to check if they could be eligible for Pension Credit to access additional financial support.
The new powers under discussion would enable officials to extract a lump sum or arrange regular payments from an individual's ...
A new discount platform says it can save people claiming benefits such as PIP from the DWP nearly £1,500 a year. The average ...